Sobre La Firma
Parker and Joseph met during their first few weeks at the University of Miami School of Law in 2010. These two best friends didn’t know they were forging a bond that would ultimately lay the groundwork for starting Landers & Sternberg PLLC. Through law school and the years afterwards, they often discussed business, the philosophy of law, and health in our current society. It was only a matter of time before they would team up and build a law firm that is dedicated to helping others.
Durante su tiempo en la facultad de derecho, Joseph fue el testigo principal de Parker para un juicio simulado en su curso de habilidades en litigio. Joseph interpretó al detective Olson, quien era el experto en incendios principal en un caso ficticio sobre el supuesto incendio fraudulento de una fábrica. No hace falta decir que las habilidades superiores de actuación de Joseph ayudaron a asegurar a Parker y su co-consejero a la victoria sobre la defensa.
Both Parker and Joseph come from backgrounds of successful entrepreneurs, and understand the sacrifices and grit needed to build a thriving business. As a result, they love helping young companies in their mission to form and grow their businesses properly. When not practicing law, parker enjoys skateboarding and making music, having recently released his 2nd album entitled perennial in 2018. He is also a skilled poker player. Joseph is also a determined poker player. He is an avid runner and loves practicing weekly yoga and meditation. When not on the track or being active physically, Joseph commonly reads over 100 books a year.
Landers & Sternberg PLLC se construyó sobre la premisa que una buena comunicación conduce los mejores resultados. Parker y Joseph a menudo se unen para trabajar en cada caso individual, lo que les permite elaborar mejores estrategias. También se toman el tiempo para actualizar suficientemente a sus clientes durante todo el proceso de litigio, lo que los diferencia de muchos otras firmas de abogados.
Estaremos encantados de responder cualquier pregunta sobre nuestros servicios y la situación legal que pueda estar enfrentando. ¡Te podemos ayudar!